
Anthropometric Measurements

What We Provide

Anthropometric measurements include height and weight measurements, along with circumference measurements on your waist, abdomen, chest, buttocks and arms when deemed necessary. The measurements take place to provide a clearer picture in regards to the gradual decrease or increase in the circumference of the above mentioned regions.

Special anthropometric measurements include a number of measurements made by the Clinical Dietitian, in order to simultaneously monitor your improvements in body weight and the effect it has on your body composition.

antrhopometric measurements limassol


  • “I wanted the best for my little baby and chose to follow a special diet during my pregnancy. Raisa was able to handle professionally and very carefully my case. ”

    Maria Ioannou
  • Amazing experience & Results. Raisa changed my life. I lost 30kg and feel much healthier and happier than ever. Raisa is capable to achieve any target.

    Nikolas Savva

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